Help us inform millions of consumers around the world about what they eat

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Please give to our 2024 Fundraiser

Your donations fund the day-to-day operations of our non-profit association:

  • keeping our database open & available to all,
    • technical infrastructure (website/mobile app) & a small permanent team
  • remain independent of the food industry,

  • engage a community of committed citizens,

  • support the advancement of public health research.

Each donation counts! We appreciate your support in bringing further food transparency in the world.

A strong supporter and vector of Nutri-Score, since the very beginning

A quick look at our efforts to promote the Nutri-Score, since 2014.

Early Nutri-Score advocates, for public health

A simple way to compare products in a supermarket, ideally without any app.

A vintage version of the Nutri-Score logo

When we heard about the "5 color system" back in 2014, we asked the formula to Prof. Hercberg, and started computing it on all the French products we had collected (French), as well as all other worldwide products we had.

Collaborating with the EREN research team

لقد التقينا بفريق بحث EREN لفهم احتياجاتهم العلمية بشكل أفضل والتحسينات التي يحتاجونها في Open Food Facts.

Towards a generalization of Nutri-Score

في عالم مثالي ، لا يجب على الناس استخدام تطبيق جوال لفهم طعامهم. We are able to compute the Nutri-Score in over 100 countries in the world.

Creating technology to support the Nutri-Score

We created and continue to create bleeding-edge technology to support the Nutri-Score at very large scale, breaking down barriers to adoption.

Showing the Nutri-Score on mobile

The Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone and website have shown the Nutri-Score since it was created in 2014, and have greatly helped its democratization to other 15 million unique visitors over the years.

Nutri-Score vision network

Our vision algorithms are able to recognize a Nutri-Score in colors, black and white, and also recognize the right letter.

An upcoming producer platform to help increase the adoption of NutriScore

Producers will be able to compute the Nutri-Score easily on their products, privately test reformulations of their products, and get improvement suggestions to get a better Nutri-Score.

أنا عبد المنعم أريد لغة عربية

We provide opendata to expand the number of actors showing and using Nutri-Score to final users.

Generating Nutri-Score data for research, public actors and producers

Our daily exports and self-service tools help producers, researchers, consumers, and public actors make more data driven decisions.

Creating an ecosystem of apps and devices

150 startups and large groups use the Nutri-Score computed by Open Food Facts.

Advocating the Nutri-Score

Advocating and creating advocacy media for the Nutri-Score

Educating about the Nutri-Score across the world

We translate our Nutri-Score faq in many languages, so that people from all over the planet can learn about the Nutri-Score.

Interacting and helping nutrition practitionners

We created several posters for nutrition practitionners.

Contributing to the NutriScore media coverage

Monitoring the progress of the Nutri-Score

Levering our unique size to monitor the progress of the Nutri-Score in real-time

Real-time detection of Nutri-Score

We detect the Nutri-Score on new and updated packaging and add them to a real-time index.

Helping the Nutri-Score go global

Levering our amazing worldwide Open Food Facts community to help the Nutri-Score cross borders

Computing the Nutri-Score across the world

We are able to compute the Nutri-Score in over 100 countries in the world. For instance, they are already over 20000 US products with a Nutri-Score computed by Open Food Facts.

Our Nutri-Score explanation page in many languages

French - German - Spanish - Italian - Dutch - Polish

Wikipedia page for the Nutri-Score

French - German - Spanish - Italian - Dutch